Saturday, June 25, 2011


           Today someone messaged me on Tumblr that they followed this blog because they enjoyed what it was that I wrote. to that kind soul who messaged me, thank you! This entry is dedicated to you. because Im just so jolly like that. Its like when youre a kid and someone gives you a stamp for your pictures.. and you just want to keep coloring even if your crayons broken in half!

         I've wanted to write about so many things. Lately I've been head over heels with my Philosophy class. We learn about Plato and the Truth of life. (thats Truth with a capital T!) Sometimes I wanted to write about being Lasallian, all the things that I've realized in the spirit of the centennial celebration. Then there are times when I just want to lash out about all the things I dont understand - from why people misuse the purpose of political parties to dating and relationships. Sometimes I want to write about this society and why its so full of septic pus. When these thoughts come in my head all I can think about is "wow I need to put this somewhere" but theres always a moment's hesitation, always an excuse to delay your words. Maybe Im in the mood to write now cause I realized someone might be reading. that's kind of dumb though isn't it? Its like I just want the attention. I dont know..maybe I am pretty pathetic like that. or maybe this is just what Ive needed all this time. Maybe I just needed a little reminding. 

Anyway, one day I will write about all those things I mentioned above - but I dont want to force it. The rain is trickling outside and Im just lying down listening to the quiet. I'm going to write about writing. 

 whenever I write or draw, it's like a dream for me. I feel so limited with how I can express myself. Each time I feel like describing something, I find that the very words I use to describe that something actually changes that something itself. I say its like a dream because that's the only thing I can liken it to. Its when you fall asleep for a long time, and you see strange images in your sleep. Then you wake up and try to explain it to someone, but you find that as you explain, the dream gets farther and farther away. Before you know it, you remember it in a completely different way. 

So there are some things in my mind that I dont want to write or talk about, because I find that its so good that you just don't ever want it to change. How you see it, Its perfect. on the other hand, there are times when you write and it actually makes that thing you're looking at even more wonderful. Isn't that just lovely? that it can go both ways? writing in itself can be limiting and infinite. You think you're the one who's taking your reader somewhere else, but who are you kidding? Writing is what takes YOU somewhere else, and even if someone reads your work, they'll never understand it the same way you did. They'll never go the same places you did, It can never feel the same exact way for two different people because people have different experiences and perceptions. Its a world of a thousand paths to a billion places all in your mind. 

So no wonder you find the book better than the movie. can you just picture how Hogwarts was imagined by all the people who had ever read Harry Potter? that's a lot of versions of Hogwarts(es) - thats a whole galaxy of them. I find that beautiful and wonderful. Truth with a capital T!

I guess what Im saying is that its just something that makes me happy. It makes me happy because anyone can do it. It doesn't matter who you are or where you're from, you can always take your mind to a different place. You can always think a happy thought, and you can put that thought somewhere. Whether it be paper, or a leaf, or gourmet cooking. There's always something more than whats on the surface, always something more than meets the eye. 

I dont know where you end up when you read this, but I hope you end up somewhere worth while.